Subtracting Fractions

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Subtracting fractions is a way to find the difference between two amounts. Imagine you have two pieces of candy, and you want to find out how much candy you have left after eating one piece.

To subtract fractions, you need to make sure that the denominators (bottom numbers) are the same. If they are not the same, you can find a common denominator by multiplying the numerators and denominators by the same number.

For example, let's say you have 1/2 of a candy and 1/3 of a candy. To subtract 1/3 from 1/2, you need to find a common denominator, which is 6. So, you would multiply both the numerator and denominator of 1/2 by 3, and both the numerator and denominator of 1/3 by 2, to get 3/6 and 2/6.

Now that you have the same denominator, you can subtract the numerators to find the difference:

3/6 - 2/6 = 1/6

So, you have 1/6 of a candy left after eating one piece.

Subtracting fractions is an important part of mathematics, and it is used in many different ways to find differences and solve problems.

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