Transformations in Functions

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A transformation in mathematics refers to a process or rule that takes an input and maps it to an output, changing its position, size, or shape. Transformations can be thought of as operations performed on geometric objects such as points, lines, and shapes, to produce a new image or figure. There are several types of transformations in mathematics, including translations, rotations, reflections, dilations, and shears. These transformations play a key role in many areas of mathematics, including geometry, linear algebra, and computer graphics.

A transformation in math is a way to change a figure or shape by moving it, flipping it, stretching it, or turning it. For example, you could slide a triangle to a different location on a coordinate plane, flip a square over a line to create a mirror image, make a circle larger or smaller, or rotate a rectangle around a point. These changes to the original figure or shape are called transformations. They help us understand how objects can be changed and still maintain their basic properties.

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