Compound Proportion

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Compound proportion is a way to compare more than two things at once. Let's say you want to buy some fruit and you have a budget of 10.Youwanttobuyapples,bananas,andoranges.Thepriceofapplesis10. You want to buy apples, bananas, and oranges. The price of apples is 2 for 3, the price of bananas is 1for2,andthepriceoforangesis1 for 2, and the price of oranges is 3 for 5.

To figure out how much of each fruit you can buy within your budget, we can use compound proportion. First, we write the ratios for each fruit in terms of its price and the number of pieces it comes with:

Apples: 2for3pieces,sotheratiois2:3Bananas:2 for 3 pieces, so the ratio is 2:3 Bananas: 1 for 2 pieces, so the ratio is 1:2 Oranges: $3 for 5 pieces, so the ratio is 3:5 Next, we multiply all the ratios together:

2:3 * 1:2 * 3:5 = 6:30

This means that for every 6 dollars, we get 30 pieces of fruit in total. To find out how much fruit we can buy with our budget of $10, we set up a proportion:

6:30 = 10:x

where x is the number of pieces of fruit we can buy with $10.

To solve for x, we cross-multiply:

6x = 300

x = 50

So, with our budget of $10, we can buy 50 pieces of fruit in total, which can be any combination of apples, bananas, and oranges, as long as their ratios stay the same.

I hope that helps explain compound proportion!

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