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In math, the idea of equality is all about balance. When we say that two things are equal, we mean that they have the same value or amount.

For example, if you have five apples and your friend has five apples, you can say that you both have the same number of apples. This is an example of an equality. We can represent this equality using the equal sign (=), like this:

5 apples = 5 apples

The equal sign tells us that the two sides of the equation are equal, or balanced.

Another example of an equality is:

2 + 3 = 5

This equation tells us that if we add two and three together, we get five. Again, the equal sign tells us that the two sides of the equation are equal, or balanced.

We use equalities in math all the time, especially when we're solving problems or trying to find missing information. By understanding the idea of balance and equality, we can use math to make sense of the world around us.

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