Lines, Intervals and Rays

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In geometry, a line is an imaginary object that goes on forever in both directions. It has no endpoints.

A line segment is a part of a line that has two endpoints. It is the shortest distance between two points on a line.

A ray is a part of a line that starts from one point and goes on forever in one direction. It has only one endpoint.

An interval is a set of numbers that includes all the numbers between two given numbers. Intervals are often used to describe the possible values of a quantity or a variable.

Think of a line as a long, straight road that goes on forever. A line segment is like a short part of that road between two stops. A ray is like a one-way road that starts from one stop and goes on forever. An interval is like a range of distances along that road.

It's helpful to imagine these objects because they are used to understand the relationships between different points, angles, and shapes in geometry.

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