Properties of Multiplication

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Multiplication is a way of finding the total amount of a certain number of items. There are some special rules that make multiplication easier to use.

Here are some important properties of multiplication:

Commutative Property: This means that the order of the numbers you are multiplying does not matter. For example, 5 x 3 is the same as 3 x 5.

Associative Property: This means that you can change the way the numbers are grouped, and it will still give the same answer. For example, (2 x 3) x 4 is the same as 2 x (3 x 4).

Distributive Property: This means that when you multiply one number by a group of numbers, you can multiply each number in the group by the first number, and then add all of the products. For example, 2 x (3 + 4) is the same as (2 x 3) + (2 x 4).

Identity Property: This means that any number multiplied by 1 is equal to itself. For example, 5 x 1 is equal to 5.

Zero Property: This means that any number multiplied by 0 is equal to 0. For example, 5 x 0 is equal to 0.

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