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In math, an identity is a special type of equation that is always true, no matter what values we use for the variables. It's like a rule that always works.

For example, a simple identity is:

2 + 3 = 5

This is an identity because no matter what values we use for 2 and 3, the equation will always be true. If we use 1 and 4, we get:

1 + 4 = 5

This is still true, and it will be true for any other values we choose.

Another example of an identity is:

(a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

This is an identity because no matter what values we use for a and b, the equation will always be true. We can use this identity to help us solve more complicated math problems.

Identities are important in math because they allow us to simplify problems and make calculations easier. By using identities, we can focus on the most important parts of a problem and avoid getting bogged down in unnecessary details.

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